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Visual Development / Themed Environments

Every piece starts with someone's thoughts and visions. Being able to take those ideas and help in the process of bringing them to life is one of the things I love most about being a concept designer. Every project is so different and yet so much fun.


Visual development is used throughout many industries - from set and poster design, stand alone projects, garden landscaping, display, assets and creation of worlds.


concept illustration for a photo booth
concept line and colour artwork for a window disney rapunzel style
concept art for a theatre poster the snow queen
garden design concept artwork
concept art for aquarium rock pool
christmas toy shop concept art
metal study reflections
magical bottles and gems concept art
sketches of various creative doors and entrances
concpet ideas for fantasy steampunk swords with magical effects
concept art armour with gems steampunk
black and white sketch for old town concept art
black and white sketch for old town concept art
concept art photobashing log flume ride theme park
sketches ideas concept art photobashing log flume ride theme park
assets theme pirate concept illustration
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